Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Staying calm during Coronacation

Just like you, I am socially distancing myself from my community; it can feel kind of scary to be isolated and disconnected. I want you to know you're not alone. I want to keep us together! I want to share a few things that might be calming during this time.

1. Acknowledge your feelings. It's perfectly OK to feel scared, overwhelmed, angry...however you feel whenever you feel it! When something comes up, sit with it for a minute. Slow things down for a bit.  Here's a short video on ANXIETY that might help explain emotional responses.  If you're feeling anxious, remember that chemicals & hormones are pumping through your body and they shut down parts of the brain. Your responses may not be logical. Learn more in this 2 minute video. In short, feel your feelings, thank your brain for working hard to keep you safe, and let go.

2. Find the positives. Ok, hard times are hard times....but one thing we can do, as Mr. Roger's said, is find the helpers! The helpers are not just first responders in an emergency, they're also the teachers, the families, the friends you are now seeing through google meet. Maybe you needed down time to connect with family, work on a project, or get in nature. There are a few positives! It's not all wonderful while in self-quarantine, but we can find a few gifts in this chaos.

3.  What matters and what doesn't. For example: does it matter that your house is messy? Sure, no one loves a messy home, but it's not that important right now. What's more important is feeling safe, having basic needs met, and staying healthy. If you have that going for you, HORRAY!

4. Remember that this too shall pass. Sometimes the moment seems forever and we generalize like, "How will we ever survive?!?" Truth is, we will be ok. Nothing is constant; everything is always changing. We'll move forward as we always do. Make this your mantra if you need to: I am safe.
Positive self-messaging is calming.

5. Unplug! Limit your time spent watching the news or reading stories and stats on social media. It's overwhelming and keeps your brain pumping those chemicals. Consider scheduling your media-time. I'm limiting my news intake and when I've disconnected from it for a bit, I feel better. Try it. Set limits!

6. Do things that fill your heart...with peace! Why not take today to write a letter to a distant friend, or take a walk in your neighborhood, or fill up the bird feeder and take note of feeder guests. Plants seeds inside and watch them grow. Meditate. Make virtual coffee dates with friends. Read a book. Do something for you, that fills your heart, and savor the moment.

7. Start a daily gratitude practice. The more you look for beautiful things, the more you'll find. Add a daily practice of gratitude (do this with your kiddos too!).  You will start to see SO much beauty.

8. Be practical. Get rest, drink fluids, step outside, love your family. Your health matters; take care of it. Mindful eating, a bit of exercise, a good night's sleep, and water can make you feel like a champion! You've got this!

9. Reach out. We are stronger together! Reach out to friends for emotional support. If you are worried about someone else who's struggling, reach out to them. Our community is so important and while socially distancing ourselves, we may not feel as connected.  Everyone is feeling it - we need each other. Call a friend!

10. Own it.  When you make a mess, clean it up. If you yelled at your kids or partner, apologize. Have a sit down meeting where you can all talk about feelings. Learn to identify the feelings you have before your pot boils over, and slow things down. Take space - even a quiet 5 minutes in the bathroom - to re-group. You may be the only adult in your home; and yes, you're feeling overwhelmed. Take a moment for you. When you mess up (as we all do), own it.

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