Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Friends

Hello friends,
It's been a long week (or two) and we continue to stay socially distant as well as moving along the path of virtual learning.  I have to say, it's getting easier. I have noticed a huge reduction in my anxiety (which honestly had taken over for a week or so) and my kids have been wonderful (most of the time.  Here are a few peaks into how we spent down time this week:

A little fairy village popped up!

The kids worked on puzzles, played games, and cooked meals for the family.  Melia learned how to use the hoverboard (it's apparently not just an outside thing LOL) and Dean was a big help to her.
We spent a lot of time outside - sometimes with school work, sometimes reading, but mostly walking, hiking, or riding bikes. The biggest change I've noticed is how calm and kind my kids are.  Maybe it's because we're not rushing around, maybe it's all the time we're spending together since we can't see anyone else, but all I know is I LOVE IT.  The cooperation is amazing!  We are working hard on the virtual learning path 8:30am-2:30pm, but the rest of the time we're enjoying each other.  I'm looking forward to the weekend in hopes that we can spend MORE time outside, but I'm grateful that we've created some normalcy among this choas.  Kids thrive on routine - so we've kept bedtimes relatively the same and we're up by 7:30am.  This all feel healthy!  We're eating most of our meals together 💗 and everyone is really taking care of each other.  

I'm still well-aware that there is a terrible pandemic hurting thousands of people.  The US just placed number one in cases of coronavirus worldwide and it's still rising. All the stories, particularly those from NYC, are breaking my heart. I've been following a few friends who believe they have the virus, but due to limited tests and uncertainty of first hand confirmed exposure, they can not get tested.  I've been watching all the nurses and doctors sharing their experiences and insights.  I'm watching Governor Cuomo as he keeps us informed on the gravity of the situation in NY.  I also tune in to Governor Raimondo and Prez Trump (who is a total disaster!). Dr. Fauci is the only one I trust for the national briefings; and we he isn't on the panel we ALL start to worry. We need FACTS! To hear Trump suggest re-opening the country for business on Easter (it'd be beautiful) without ANY medical professionals showing support of this is SCARY AF!  It's also mind-blowing that he has turned this into a political parade for his re-election (PEOPLE ARE DYING!). He most obviously values money of people and the economy matters more than health.  It's a true tragedy.  Then Texas Lt. Governor suggested that older folks would sacrifice their lives for the economy for their children and grandchildren.  What the ****?!?! If we all just STAYED HOME, we wouldn't need the older folks to get sick and die.  We can rebuild the economy, but we can not bring back dead people.

So, I want to keep it real.  My family is having a special time together navigating social distancing and virtual learning, but the country is falling apart and our prez wants to re-open the economy and sacrifice folks like my mom and dad.  Bullshit. 

We are living in crazy times. I miss my parents; I miss my friends. I hate worrying that someone I love might get sick.  I'm not going IN to any stores anymore (there are delivery options!). I'm going to find all the silver linings and do what I can to keep my family and community safe.

Wishing you all some beautiful moments this weekend. But please: STAY AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHO DON'T SHARE A BATHROOM WITH YOU EVERY DAY!!  

Sending virtual hugs, 

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