Monday, March 16, 2020

Coronacation Day 1

We are officially on our Coronacation (as named by my oldest son).  On Friday, we had a family meeting where we answered questions about the virus, focused on minimizing anxiety, and outlined HOW we would move through the days ahead.  Here's what we came up with as a family:

Technically, this week is APRIL VACATION so my kids were quick to point out that there should be time for FUN!  I'm going to dive more into each of those ideas listed above and our intentions.  I'll share links, activities, and calming thoughts on this blog.  Today the sun is shining and I encourage you to spend some time in nature.  That's been a priority for my family.  While we are socially distancing ourselves from everyone, we are happy to see others in the woods, on the beach, or biking on the path.  We feel less alone. In addition, creating virtual connections and communities helps us feel less isolated too.

There is anxiety in the unknown so focus on TODAY.  We will move through this as gracefully as we can.  I'd like to remind you to do basic things to care for yourself like showering and getting dressed. Small things like that can help you feel better.  Remember, we're creating a (temporary) new normal in many ways, but there are routines that we can keep in place like bedtimes, waking times, hygiene, meals together, etc.. You are not alone!  One day at a time...we've got this!


  1. Thanks for your calming words Kristin! I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I had wanted to get outside somewhere today too but it didn't work out this morning- my 3 year old didn't get much sleep last night because he started getting a stuffy nose, so he's now napping. Hoping maybe later this afternoon though. That was my only plan, to get outside. Facebook almost has too many ideas it overwhelms me. The unknown ahead is hard to comprehend. I hope I can start enjoying and taking it one day at a time. -Cathy Oliver


    1. I'll share ideas regularly, but not all at once. I know how overwhelming that can be. Please message me if I can be of any support anytime. I hope your son feels better and that you are caring for yourself as tenderly as you would your son.
