Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday Friends

Dear Friday Friends, 

To be totally honest, there are times where this whole experience is really hard.  Like my brain hurts from trying to figure out 7th grade math at 9am. Or maybe my confusion comes from her crying about how her brother "didn't get in trouble." That frustrates her.  I don't even know what getting in trouble means. This conversation can last fifteen minutes! Or, maybe it's having your grocery delivery cancelled after waiting 10 days for food that throws a day for a loop.  All I know is that there are lots of loops. Lots of frustrations. Lots of head aches. Lots of overwhelm.

But there are terribly delightful moments as well. I love hearing my children singing (Melia is still in RICC and Drew is in an acappella group), playing piano, playing flute...and even the random dancing! Music brings me joy. I also love the independence and self-initiated habits they've developed. This is a good age range of kids (10-14) for a quarantine. They can make food for themselves and the family; Melia is baking like crazy! I get to enjoy homemade cookies, cakes, breads, pretzels...delicious goodies all the time. We are having real dinners together most nights. Sitting together at the table. No rush. We're playing more games, watching shows together, and going on hikes. I like the pace. There are some sweet moments each week for the family.

Times are different. I am doing my best to stay grounded. Meditating is helpful...and I should be doing way more of it.  I love getting outside, but I am struggling to do it by myself. I'm feeling disconnected from my body, my *self*. Jen and I have gone walking and we hardly come across anyone and it's so nice to see her...even from 6 feet apart. I always feel better when I see her and when I get outside: double win! I'm listening to really calming music too - like Ryan Montbleau and James Taylor. Music again for the win! I'm trying to reduce the anxious response I feel, and create a new norm. I know it won't be this way forever. I know we're safe right now. I know we're ok.  So, can I just roll with things? I'm trying.

How are you doing? Are you ok?

Sending love,

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