Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday Friends

Hello Friday Friends,

Here's my best corona-virus advice to parents: 
Do the things you want to do with your children. 
Do the things you want them to do
Model it. 
Do it. 
Live it. 
Here's what I mean:

I love being in nature - so as a family these kids have been hiking since birth.  Yet - for whatever reason(s),  my kids don't always want to go. They don't want to leave the house sometimes. Or they're grumpy, tired, lazy, busy,...  whatever. I drag their butts anyway. Sometimes I'll take just one of them. That's so delightful.  I love one on one time with any of the kids.  In any case, if you like nature, bring them!  Bonus: lots of advantages for all of us when we get some time outdoors!

Take advantage of your own outdoor space. When we have friends over and we hang by the fire, I'm always digging the vibe it offers.  Have a fire with your kids!  Maybe you roast marshmallows or cook a hotdogs to spice things up. Perhaps you can show your kiddos how to whittle a stick, or build a fire, or roast a hot dog. It's pleasant sitting by the fire...especially as the sun sets.

Need to escape? Take a ride!  You can blast some tunes, pick up dinner to go, and cruise around for a change of scenery. Bring just one - or all of your kids. If you have a sleepy toddler, even better!  Maybe they'll fall asleep...bring a book to read and park near the water!

Not for nothing, but I LOVE playing games. I have a bit of a competitive edge.Whether I'm crushing Drew at boggle, playing yahtzee or Blokus, doing puzzles, singing karaoke, or playing Mario Bros on Wii, I LOVE GAMES! So, it makes sense that when my kids need some time and attention from me, I offer up some game time.  It's truly a win-win for all of us (unless all the kids play - then someone is bound to cry at some point LOL).

I enjoy baking...and even more-so eating! So I have also been baking with the kids since birth. And at this point, I can trust any of the three kids alone in the kitchen.  Melia, however, is the most impressive. She is ten years old and made that delicious cinnamon role featured here from scratch!!  She has made us banana bread, muffins, pancakes, banana cream pie, carrot cake cookies, sweetish meatballs, pizza, pasta,... I could do a bit of work around getting her to make more dinner meal (LOL), but I will say she's always happy to help! She's for sure my kitchen side kick. Today she made egg salad sandwiches for her and Dean.
I think ALL kids should be in the kitchen. Once they are ready to be independent, give them space. It's ok if they get things wrong or make a mess; it's all part of learning. Maybe some morning you'll be waking to a delivery of coffee and home made pancakes. Happens here and it's dreamy....

Take walks in your neighborhood. Find beautiful flowers. Write a letter to a friend or family member who you can't see. Clean spaces. Call friends. Zoom with your family. Fill the bird feeders. Watch the squirrels. Name the regular visitors to your backyard. Start an exercise program. Clean out the garage.

Do all the things YOU want to do. 
Do the things you want your kids to do. 
Do them together!
If you do them together, they're more likely to do them on their own 
AND you can have fun together.

Your little ones crave your attention. If you do the things you enjoy doing with your kids, you all benefit. What activity can you enjoy during this pandemic while spending time with your little ones?

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